Sains Malaysiana 53(5)(2024): 995-1007


Pencirian Geohazad Tanah Runtuh Pendam Lama di Kawasan Bukit Fraser, Pahang

(Geohazard Characterization of Long Latent Landslides in the Fraser’s Hill Area, Pahang)




Program Geologi, Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi,

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 22 September 2023/Accepted: 8 April 2024


Bukit Fraser terletak di kawasan berbukit di Malaysia, kewujudan tanah runtuh pendam lama menimbulkan kebimbangan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk memperoleh pemahaman menyeluruh tentang keadaan tanah runtuh pendam lama melalui integrasi empat pendekatan utama iaitu analisis topografi, pemetaan lapangan, analisis petrografi dan kaedah keberintangan geoelektrik. Gabungan kesemua kaedah ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan bagi menggambarkan dengan tepat morfologi, sifat geologi dan keadaan subpermukaan. Lima garis tinjauan keberintangan geoelektrik telah dijalankan di pelbagai lokasi di sekitar kawasan Bukit Fraser. Bukit Fraser dicirikan oleh batuan granit sebagai unit geologi utama. Jenis batu, jenis tanah, tanah baki, zon tanah runtuh, zon sesar dan kehadiran jasad air yang ditentukan berdasarkan nilai keberintangan iaitu batu dasar granit (> 2000 Ωm), jenis tanah termasuk lempung dan lodak (50 - 200 Ωm), zon tanah runtuh (<100 Ωm), tanah baki (200 - 2000 Ωm), zon sesar (200 - 500 Ωm) dan jasad air (<100 Ωm). Zon tanah runtuh pendam lama ditafsirkan berdasarkan peta topografi dan data Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (ifSAR). Sebanyak 81 lokasi tanah runtuh terletak di zon tanah runtuh pendam lama direkodkan dari Januari 2021 hingga Mac 2022. Analisis petrografi dilakukan ke atas lima sampel batuan menunjukkan bahawa canggaan berlaku pada batuan, mineral yang terluluhawa, feldspar dihancurkan dan kuarza dihancurkan menjadi butiran kecil. Kesimpulannya, analisis topografi menunjukkan zon tanah runtuh pendam lama di kawasan kajian mengikut ciri seperti kerawang di bahagian kepala, cerun cekung di bahagian tengah serta topografi cembung dan morfologi seperti bentuk sudu. Maklumat ini membantu dalam kerja lapangan, analisis petrografi dan kaedah keberintangan geoelektrik. Analisis petrografi membantu memahami canggaan dan mineral. Kajian keberintangan geoelektrik telah dijalankan menggunakan zon yang ditafsirkan, tetapi hasil profil subpermukaan menunjukkan hanya garis tinjauan FH2 dan FH4 terletak di dalam zon tanah runtuh pendam lama.


Kata kunci: Keberintangan geoelektrik; petrografi; tanah runtuh pendam lama



Fraser's Hill is in a hilly area, the existence of old dormant landslide raises concerns. The objective of this study was to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the conditions of the old dormant landslides through the integration of four main approaches, namely topographic analysis, field mapping, petrographic analysis and geoelectrical resistivity methods. The combination of these methods is intended to collect the necessary data to describe the morphology, geological properties, and subsurface conditions accurately. Five lines of geoelectrical resistivity surveys were conducted at various locations around Fraser’s Hill. Granitic rocks characterise Fraser's Hill as a major geological unit. Rock type, soil type, residual soil, landslide zone, fault zone and the presence of water bodies are determined based on the resistivity values, namely granite bedrock (> 2000 ° m), soil types including loam and loam (50-200 Ωm), landslide zone (<100 Ωm), residual soil (200-2000 Ωm), fault zone (200-500 Ωm) and water body (<100 Ωm). The old latent landslide zone was interpreted based on topographic maps and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (ifSAR) data. A total of 81 landslide locations located in the old dormant landslide zone were recorded from January 2021 to March 2022. Petrographic analysis carried out on five rock samples showed that collisions occurred in rocks, weathered minerals, feldspar, and quartz, which were crushed into small grains. In conclusion, topographic analysis showed a zone of old dormant landslides in the study area according to characteristics such as arcuate crown, concave upper slope and convex lower slope and morphology such as spoon shape. This information helps in fieldwork, petrographic analysis and geoelectrical resistivity methods. Petrographic analysis helps to understand the structure and geology. Geoelectrical resistivity studies were conducted using interpreted zones, but subsurface profiling results showed that only the FH2 and FH4 survey lines were located within the old dormant landslide zone.


Keywords: Geoelectrical resistivity; old dormant landslide; petrographic



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